The Autel sUAS system is capable of assending to the top of any communications tower within a minute. Used for diagnostic purpoases, the high resolution video can be evaluated in real time by a technition on-site or in an office miles away. The support unit will save thousands of dollars by identifying the failure before paying contactors to make the climb. Autel Explorer Mission Planner™ can store missions that require weekly, monthly or annual re-flight for purposes of comparison, failure evaluation, or deterioration studies.
Vertical inspections require precise and clear imagery in what are often hostile conditions, whether a communications tower, building fascia, flare stacks, etc. Although sUAS cannot replace a human or provide a complete audit, thermal, and long-lens (zoomable) payloads provide for deeper views of vertical structures. High-turbulence environments can be unpredictable and unforgiving. DSPs and tower inspectors benefit from the Evo II’s stability processing, which provides solid performance in situations where high winds are present during vertical inspections.